Labaran Duniya

Amazing News – Women Stole Her Neighbor Two Children in Lagos Nigeria

Spectacle News Some Incident Happened In Nigeria

This is a wonderful thing and I am not surprised about the full story of what happened in the city of Lagos in Nigeria, it happened like this.

The woman and her children are living in the same house as the one who stole her children (Inside the rented house).

Her husband fell ill and was taken to the hospital. The burden of taking care of him as a parent was also heavy on her and their daughters. This caused many things for her. She left them at home and took care of her husband in the hospital. Kidnapped the children and ran away with them and changed their town and changed their religion and converted them to Christians and changed their names and clothes.

The woman tried her best to investigate the village and the town where the woman kidnapped her children but failed to do so, she also contacted the police and Hausa groups living in Lagos state in Nigeria.

We are about to complete the renovations and we will bring you the live video so that you can watch the never-ending surprise in our country Nigeria.

Know These 6 Ways to Live a Fulfilled Life in Nigeria

  1. Control your thoughts when you are alone. Your thoughts manifest into realities.
  2. Control your tongue when you are with friends. Your words have so much power and people can use them against you.
  3. Control your decisions when you are angry. Anger is a temporal thing but the decisions you make when you are angry can have lifelong effect.
  4. Pay attention to your behaviour when you sit in a group. Maintain a respectful attitude to others even during stressful times. Don’t disrespect anyone, use appropriate language, apologise for errors or misunderstandings, and keep your personal opinions of others private.
  5. Control your pride when someone praises you. Pride is po!son for your soul and can create an inflated self-image with negative after effect.
  6. Control your emotions when someone say something wrong about you. It can be a trap intentionally set to capture you. If you control your emotions, you can figure out how to deal with problematic events and difficult situations and come to reasonable solutions.

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Ibrahim Salisu Known as Bibzaria CEO of Nhausa for India Hausa, Freelance writer who has written Some of articles over the last decade, covering every conceivable subject from the Indian Hausa Movie

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