Labaran Duniya

You must be paid 30 million naira before we release the people we arrested in Wanzamai Zamfara

They have to pay us 30 million naira before killing the people we arrested in Zamfara that they were protecting.

It is the truth that the people of Nigeria cannot tell the government that it is the negligence of the security officers who are sent to represent the people’s lives and their property.

The week says that things are going backwards, but the future is getting more and more confused and the vision of the future is going to change. Look at what has happened in the Zamfara area of ​​Kwashe, more than 100 people have lost sheep or cattle. They should not be taken away without the knowledge of the Security Officers, I am still doubting and raising the question to the authorities of our country.

This is God’s fault and it is shameful and disappointing that today in Nigeria, people are being traded like animals, but because they are not their brothers and their wives are being arrested, there is nothing that affects them, this is cruelty and betrayal of the people who took their memory And the Lord will ask you about that.

What kind of violence will the families of these poor people whose children and their parents have been taken away find themselves in during this time of Ramadan, what kind of oppression is this, because every believer should sympathize with these poor people, by God.

We are calling loudly on the federal government and Zamfara state government and all other security agencies to do whatever it takes to rescue these servants of God so that they can return to their homes.

A Guide to Improve Your Habits and Stay on Track on Wanzamai Zamfara State 

If you’ve been struggling with building and staying on positive habits track or have recently felt less successful and happy, this is for you:

Choose an area in your life you want to make better, and then:

  1. Write down exactly what’s bothering you and where you’re stuck, along with what you want to change.
  2. Honestly list the daily habits that are contributing to your current situation. What are you regularly doing that’s keeping you where you are?
  3. Describe the improved situation you want to create for yourself. What would bring you happiness? What’s your goal? How does a better situation look?
  4. Consider the daily habits that will help you progress from your current point to your desired outcome. Think about the small steps you can take each day to move forward.

As you work on making these life changes, remember:

Your goal (#3 from above) is a helpful guide, but it’s your daily habits that bring about change. Often, we focus too much on the end goal and overlook the importance of consistent habits that actually make the goal possible.

In other words, we tend to overvalue big moments and underestimate the impact of small, gradual progress every day.

Imagine if you ignored your goal for a few weeks and concentrated only on the daily habits supporting that goal. Would you still see positive results?

Now, it’s your turn:

Avoid returning to old habits just because they’re comfortable. Remember, you’re leaving certain habits behind for a reason—to enhance your life. You can’t move forward if you keep going back.

Undoubtedly, it’s your moment to take back your full potential and make each day count moving forward!

Remember that building habits involve commitment and consistency. Keep getting back up, each time you fail.

Report by: Real Alameen Minister Yakasai

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Ibrahim Salisu Known as Bibzaria CEO of Nhausa for India Hausa, Freelance writer who has written Some of articles over the last decade, covering every conceivable subject from the Indian Hausa Movie

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