India Hausa Fassara

India Hausa 2023 Movies TURNUKU Sultan Film Factory


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Yesterday I had to visit somewhere and it was raining so I did not want to drive there since I was not too familiar with the road, so I parked my car somewhere close and used a keke (tricycle).

While I was there I got a call from a long time friend reminding me of my promise to her husband over a job, so I quickly told her my location, and asked her to tell her husband to meet me up ASAP since I will be leaving town soon, but I told her to tell her husband to meet me up where I parked my car since that place was a popular land mark .

I don’t know her husband and we have never met before. As I sent her the address, she called me back and was so excited that I was even around her area which will make it easy for him because he did not even have transport to come out,things was that bad. So I told her that he should pick a drop and I will pay.

In other not to keep him stranded I had to start rushing back to where I packed my car. God, I even entered under the rain, cold, just to meet up with him so he will not be stranded. As I was walking under the rain I saw a keke and stopped it.

The keke man asked me to beg the man inside so he will allow me join him since i was drenched, so I started begging. The man refused and said I was wet. I told him I will sit to one side, and he refused, saying except I pay for both his fare and mine.

I agreed, then he allowed me. As I entered this man kept me uncomfortable, saying if my wet clothes touch him again I will get down. I just kept my cool until I finally got to my destination. I did not even reach when I stopped at the junction and paid then used my legs to walk to my car, since it was very close.

I was inside my car warming myself, then I got a call from my friend saying her husband was around, so I described my car and he came. I saw someone knocked on my car glass, wound down and it was this same man in a keke with me. Gosh!

I was suppose to pay the keke man, and recommend him for a job? Tears rolled down my eyes, I brought out N3,000, gave him, started my car and zoomed off. My friend has been calling and sending me messages, I had to block her.

Be careful, many times men of gold don’t wear gold. Be nice! Angels do not wear ID cards. I saw this piece and decided to share the story with my friends and family.

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Below are Comments from Those who Watch this Favourite Dubbed Movie From Sultan Film Factory, Algaita Download Indian Hausa 2023


  • Ifedolopo Fadero Adanri Small world, people with poor mentality do have poor attitude towards everyone  they meet. It’s good to be good not because you are expecting something in return . If only we can be nice to one another this world will be a better place.
  • Rusununguko Madzimbamuto Chinganga Wow  thats  a  lesson  .i  love  the  story  and  have  also  learnt  coz  hey  others  have  entertained  angels  without  knowing  it.
  • Mary-Merci W Orimisan Hmm, It’s why I was taught by my father, Give people the respect they deserve so you won’t be sorry later on… This has happened to me twice though not as the victim.
  • Gretta Hughes Be careful of your behavior and be kind and polite to everyone you come in contact with,you might be entertaining angels unaware.
  • Buhle Lwasi Touch my Heart so deeply. May God help us to have Ubuntu.
  • Mudobi Gulokulo Nice story, i think is a lesson to everyone.
  • Anyembe Jav Very wonderful message.
  • Son of Grace Thanks for this wonderful massage.
  • Terrence Bondai Fellow human angels don’t have wings or heavenly angelic bodies.

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Ibrahim Salisu Known as Bibzaria CEO of Nhausa for India Hausa, Freelance writer who has written Some of articles over the last decade, covering every conceivable subject from the Indian Hausa Movie

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